The basic assumption of my Unified Field Theory is: for any object in the universe, the surrounding space always moves divergently outward at the speed of light, centered on the object.
The Unified Field Theory defines mass, charge, field, and rest momentum using the light-speed divergent motion of the space around an object and provides the corresponding defining equations for mass, charge, field, and rest momentum. Furthermore, it derives and explains the rest energy of relativity using this light-speed divergent motion of surrounding space.
The expert claimed that I “completely didn’t use this motion of space later on,” which is either a blatant lie or proof they didn’t even read the subsequent content.
Relativity operates in a 4-dimensional spacetime framework, while the Unified Field Theory uses a 3-dimensional spacetime framework. The Unified Field Theory explains why the speed of light is constant, something relativity does not address. It provides definitions for time, mass, charge, light speed, momentum, force, gravitational field, electromagnetic field, nuclear force field, energy, and more, along with their respective defining equations—none of which relativity offers. The Unified Field Theory also presents a spacetime unification equation, which relativity lacks.
The Unified Field Theory posits that when an object is at rest, the surrounding space moves at a vector light speed C, resulting in a rest momentum P’ = m’C [uppercase letters in this text denote vectors], with the scalar form: p’ = m’c. When an object moves at velocity V, its kinetic momentum is P = m(C - V), with the scalar form:
p = mc√(1 - v²/c²) = p’ = m’c.
The momentum formula in relativity and Newtonian mechanics, P = mV, is a special case of the Unified Field Theory’s momentum formula P = m(C - V) when the vector light speed C equals zero.
The Unified Field Theory also unifies the four fundamental forces of the universe into a single equation:
F = dP/dt = Cdm/dt - Vdm/dt + mdC/dt - mdV/dt
Here, (C - V)dm/dt represents the mass-adding force, Cdm/dt is the electric field force, Vdm/dt is the magnetic field force, mdV/dt is the Newtonian inertial force (also gravity), and mdC/dt is the nuclear force.
Relativity failed to unify the four forces into one equation, and its dynamic equations are merely a special case of the Unified Field Theory’s dynamic equations.
The expert claimed my assertion—“based on the concept of energy conservation, an object’s energy should appear the same to every observer”—is fundamentally wrong. According to modern physics, an object’s energy indeed varies for different observers, and my stance severely contradicts mainstream physicists.
But here, I’m challenging the views of mainstream physicists. I’ve proposed a new energy equation:
m’c² = mc²√(1 - v²/c²)
Where m’c² is the object’s rest energy, and mc²√(1 - v²/c²) is the total energy of the object moving at velocity v relative to us. From the formula, it’s clear that the total energy remains the same whether the object is at rest or in motion.
This formula can also derive relativity’s rest energy: when v = 0, it becomes the relativistic rest energy formula. Additionally, it shows that the kinetic energy of an object moving at velocity v relative to us is approximately Ek ≈ (1/2)mv², where mc² - Ek = m’c², and Ek ≈ (1/2)mv² represents kinetic energy. This energy formula can further derive the energy equation for photons.
Thus, my new energy equation is compatible with the energy formulas of relativity and Newtonian mechanics, as well as those of photons and quantum mechanics, making it a universal energy equation.
The expert insists that deviating from mainstream physicists’ views is inherently wrong, implying that physics must remain stagnant at a certain stage, unable to progress. Since my theories come from aliens and I only have a junior high education, I can’t rigorously derive everything mathematically. Editors won’t tolerate obvious errors, so getting these papers published is tough. However, these theories are undoubtedly valuable, and collaborating with a university would be ideal.